This project serves mothers and babies in South East Asia where a member of a related organisation does training and education in maternal and infant health.
- Midwifery mentorship and upskilling
- Training for Village Birth Attendants
- Womens Health Education among minority ethnic groups
- Breastfeeding education and individual support for breastfeeding mothers
- Training on supporting survivors of rape and sexual abuse through labour and birth
Update Nov 2019
Training and equipping midwives
In October two clinical staff at a regional outreach centre had three days of training in ‘comprehensive newborn physical examinations’. The workshop equipped them to screen for health issues, record stages of growth and development and refer for treatment when necessary. The health workers can now: recognise signs of birth defects, assess warning signs in consciousness, hydration, respiratory and cardiovascular health, and numerous other conditions. Feedback was enthusiastic. The midwife and social worker shared that the skills learnt were useful and will be immediately employed in their daily work.
Women’s Health Education Day
There was also a Women’s Health Education Day held for young mothers. The topics covered were sexual health, nutrition in pregnancy, breastfeeding, mental health and warning signs in pregnancy. Through discussions about their personal health, mothers learnt about treatments for infections and were informed how to seek available assistance. Medical staff in attendance said that they also gained a lot of useful knowledge. A second regional Women’s Health Day was held with 26 women attending. The facilitator shared:
‘It was a privilege to introduce them to the inner workings of their bodies and they appeared riveted!’
The hope is to repeat the workshop with key women from other villages to carry the information back to their communities.
Your gifts will help with buying supplies and equipment for maternal and child health and enable the running of workshops for women, birth attendants and midwives in country.
This project is now closed. Thank you for your support!