This project is fully funded. Thank you for your support!
In the remote areas of PNG small communities often struggle to achieve education and literacy goals. This project aims to support the literacy of the Kanite people in the Eastern Highlands.
Low literacy has a significant impact on the well-being of the community with reduced access to employment opportunities, poor health and communities feeling powerless to change their situation. The literacy rate of the Kanite is less than 50%.
The Kanite community have recognised the importance of being literate and have already taken the initiative to establish three literacy schools using resources previously developed through SIL. The schools are used by both children and adults and are run on a voluntary basis with time and materials being donated.
The children who have graduated from these reading and writing classes in Kanite have achieved better educational results than other children. Also, when these children progressed to higher levels of education, they were able to advance more quickly in their reading, which helped in learning English later on.
Of all the literacy needs in PNG, why do we want to help the Kanite community? It’s particularly because they have taken the initiative themselves to get this far. That shows real commitment. But now their local resources are stretched beyond their limits and they are struggling to continue without outside help.
Project funds will be used to support staffing costs, facilities maintenance and further teacher training.
The community sees this literacy project as essential to the empowerment of their people as children will gain a better grounding in reading and writing, and adults will be able to learn new skills to help them earn much needed cash.